On another note the plans for IM Brazil have gone out of the window after they filled the last 430 slots over Christmas. I'm a bit pi$$ed off about it to be honest. I will need to have a re-think about next season now and come up with a new plan.
Sunday, 28 December 2008
Christmas Bling
On another note the plans for IM Brazil have gone out of the window after they filled the last 430 slots over Christmas. I'm a bit pi$$ed off about it to be honest. I will need to have a re-think about next season now and come up with a new plan.
Tuesday, 23 December 2008
The highs and lows of 2008
Tuesday, 2 December 2008
Bikes for sale
Both bikes are top of the range Giant TCR Advanced ISP (Integrated Seat Post). Both are full Dura-Ace 20 speed group sets, the T Mobile one has Dura-Ace wheels and the other comes with Mavic K-Syrium SL's not the carbons in the picture. The T Mobile is a size large and the other is a Medium/Large. Both are in excellent condition, the T Mobile has only covered about 500 miles and the other was new in July and has been used by me for the second half of the triathlon season including the World Champs. Contact me on 07771900778 for more info.
Friday, 21 November 2008
Working on a six pack!

Wednesday, 5 November 2008
How many bikes?

Wednesday, 22 October 2008
Sorry its been so long

Thursday, 2 October 2008
Another New Toy for next season
Wednesday, 1 October 2008
A new training partner - but at what cost?
Saturday, 20 September 2008
Wednesday, 17 September 2008
6 Minutes
Saturday, 6 September 2008
Some more pics from the worlds

Tuesday, 2 September 2008
The World Championships
The event started with registration on the Friday, this was the first of the challenges that lay ahead. Trying to find registration was interesting as it was apparently clearly sign posted. What signs?????. Later that day we then had to find the Theatre in town for the race brief, again not sign posted? We managed to overcome this issue and made it to both locations on the Friday. Saturday we had to rack the bike and helmet. This was a bit easier as transition by car signs were on the roadside. By Saturday the heating had been turned up some and it was in the region of 27 degrees. Sunday was an early start with an 0530hrs alarm and Sags and I left for Almere at 0630. Arriving at 0700 we went across to transition to start our own personal race prep. For me I just tend to check and re-check everything and once I'm happy I wander round talking to people so's not to think too much about the race ahead. At about 0810 we talk a walk across to the start (about 1km down part of the run course) and watched the Elite men start, followed by the Elite women's start. Then it was our turn, our chance to shine and represent our country at the World Championships.
The Swim,
Long, oh so very long. Absolutely no way it was 4 kilometers. My estimate would be 4.5 kilometers at least. The horn went and we ran into the water, I was very surprised to find myself with plenty of room in the water despite the amount of athletes starting. I swam the first short loop with no problems and exited the water for the land lap across the timing mat. Lap 2 was the longer lap which took you away from the beach and along the coast down to the harbour. This was a difficult stretch as the sun was in your eyes and you couldn't see any of the buoys. By this time also the wind was picking up and it was quite choppy with a current making for some seriously hard work. It was apparent as you made the turn into the harbour just how hard it was as you could immediately feel your pace increase just from the change in direction. At the end of the swim you had to climb up some wood steps and then it was about 500m run into transition.
The Bike,
After transition I was ready to start the bike course feeling that I had lost a lot of time in the water. You ran out of transition and started the bike on a quite technical stretch through all the barriers and it was quite narrow with some tight corners. Then it was on to the first of many long, flat, straight roads. The first 10k or so was an out and back loop and then you followed a big circuit and the straight roads varied by which way the wind was blowing. It was quite dull for probably 58 of the 60k per lap with the only decent bit being the winding and twisting sections at the end of each lap. Its very hard to race on a circuit so flat and I recall seeing most competitors around me having to get out of the saddle just to stretch off now and then. It made you ache in all sorts of places having to hold that position for so long. Normally you get to move about on the bike a bit due to climbs, descents and tight corners but most of this circuit was in the tri bars. To be honest I was glad to get to the end of the bike course which is unusual for me.
The Run,
This was the best part of the race for me, two 15km laps to go. I set off on the run and felt comfortable all the way. The first lap went very well and I was looking out for the other RAF lads as the first lap ended. I had passed loads of people on the run and as the heat was taking its toll more athletes were starting to fade. I was feeling strong and looking forward to the next lap. I ran well and as I was on the 16k marker I saw Jase and Sags running together past the 14k marker. They looked in good form and seemed to be enjoying it. I continued at a strong pace and counted down the k's to go as I passed each marker. As I passed the 27k mark I was loving it, I new I was going to be able to continue with the pace all the way to the line and kept passing more people. I estimate passing over a 100 people during the 30k but was only overtaken by 2 people. With about 150 meters to go Dawn (GB Team manager) passed me my Union Jack flag to carry down the finish line straight and I had the finish line to my self so I could walk the last 5 meters and savour the moment stopping on the line to celebrate. It was over.
This was one of the hardest races I think I have done. I have always said I would give up the sport when I stopped enjoying it. Had I not have had such an enjoyable time on the run then this could have been my last triathlon, however by the end I was buzzing so much that I am truly gutted it was my last one of the year. Roll on next season!!!
I would like to say well done to the other RAF Athletes, and congratulate them on there performances. Some great results from the other guys, and of course Kelda as well.
I will upload some pictures when I get them sorted out.
Friday, 29 August 2008
Nearly Race Day

That's about all for now, next blog will be how the race went.
Friday, 22 August 2008
Off to the Doc again
Monday, 18 August 2008
Very fast bike for sale
Wednesday, 13 August 2008
The toughest triathlon ever????

Saturday, 2 August 2008
Big G – Grimpeurs des Wolds Cyclosportive

Wednesday, 30 July 2008
Quality Training Morning

Friday, 25 July 2008
Awsome new bike provided by my sponsor - Hilderthorpe Cycles
Thursday, 24 July 2008
A change is as good as a rest!

Friday, 18 July 2008
IS Race - Tallington 2008

Saturday, 12 July 2008
Cranwell - what went wrong?

Well Cranwell wasn't great for me. I might as well have been riding the bike in the picture that's made of bread. It was always going to be an unknown as to how well I could recover from the Half IM at the weekend. I felt fine and was ready to go but as soon as the swim started it was obvious how I felt that it was not going well. I was slow in the swim, in to T1 I got the helmet and number belt on and I was away. This was yet another failing on my part and I just had nothing in the legs. I could barely push a 53 x 16 round let alone get down to the 12's and 11t sprockets. I struggled round and into T2 and that was the biggest disaster of my triathlon career to date. I ran to the wrong rack and stood there getting more and more furious trying to work out where my shoes were. After about 30 seconds I seen my shoes under the other rack and ran round. By this time I knew that I was on a bad day and threw my Teddy's out of the cot along with my helmet and glasses. I was so annoyed with my self. I set of on the run and closed the gap on Sags quite quickly but once it got to about 20 seconds Sags knew I was there and increased his tempo and held onto his narrow gap and beat me over the line by about 18 seconds. Andy Fisher took the win but I would have liked a pop at him on fresh legs, though I think he still would have beat me. I have punished myself for my weakness by going on a 57 mile bike with transition to a 3 mile run the day after Cranwell and then I took the MT car back to work Thursday night and cycled the 40 mile home on Friday morning in the pouring rain. Raining again, wow that makes a change!
Sunday, 6 July 2008
Cleveland Steelman (wetman) Race Report

Definitely the wettest race I've ever done!
I went to this event without being sure of my form over the longer distance having only done 2 sprints and 1 Olympic distance this year. The weather was in form and it was raining on arrival, much to my dissatisfaction. I set up transition with my run shoes, cap and cycle top in a plastic bag to keep them dry. The lake was the cleanest I've ever swam in, you could see the bottom even in the deepest areas. The race started and I was off on the 2k swim. I swam well for me and was satisfied with a 29:44. I don't know if I could have kept that pace up for 4k though (thinking ahead to the worlds) although there's still time yet. I had a quite slow transition trying to get my cycle top on over my wet tri top but I'm glad I did. On to the bike and it was 2 laps covering 58 miles. The first 9 miles or so was fairly rolling and with a head wind. I felt I was struggling on the bike and didn't seem to get going very well despite passing other riders it just didn't feel good. The rain hadn't really got going on the first lap but as we went past transition to start the second lap the heavens opened. I can't recall ever racing in rain as heavy as that. It was torrential, there was about 1/2 an inch of water across the roads it was like riding through one giant puddle. I started to feel stronger as the ride went on and the last 8 miles I was flying passing 6 more riders. I came into transition and had another slow one struggling to get dry socks on wet feet. I ditched the cycle top that now weighed about 4 lb and set off on the 12 mile run. I made up 2 places I had lost in transition but after 1.5 mile I decided to empty the bladder. After that I felt a lot better and got back up to speed. It was then that I picked out another RAF tri suit about 30 seconds up the road. The run course had an out and back section and then a loop at the other end to take you back round to start the next lap. It was 85% off road and the tracks were in a terrible state. I started to close in on Greg Macdonald towards the end of the first lap catching him dead on the end of the lap. I passed him and continued to pick up places running from 15th (half way round the first lap) to 8th by the end of the race putting just short of 3 mins into Greg. I'm happy with the result and my times. The Half IM is 70.3 and this was 71.4 so well pleased with a 4hr 22min. Splits are as follows
Swim 29:44
Bike 2:34:57
Run 1:14:50
I feel fine today (Sunday) but will find out how tired I am on Wednesday at Cranwell. See you there.
Thursday, 3 July 2008
Cleveland Steelman on Saturday (Half Ironman distance)

Tuesday, 24 June 2008
Dambuster and Allerthorpe Race Reports

Lets start with me picking the bones out of my Dambuster race. When I arrived on Saturday morning to set up my kit the rain had already started. I don't get fazed by bad weather and quite often thrive on the challenge of it. After the race brief I made my way to the waters edge and was surprised that the water was at a reasonably warm temperature. I swam about for a minute or so before it was time to line up for the start. I set off on the swim trying to focus on a good swim and not do my usual thing which is keep thinking that the sooner this bits over the better. I felt the swim had gone well and I stood up at the end of the swim with 23:47 showing on the watch (24:12 over the timing mat). I was pleased with that and looked forward to the bike. I feel I struggled on the bike and my quads felt tight and heavy from the off. I normally thrive on the bike and its always been my strong point in the race. I definitely eased up on a lot of corners due to the wet roads as I did not know the course and would have benefitted from doing a drive round the day before. By the end of the course my fingers and toes were so cold I could not feel them. I thought I had done well on the bike as I had passed at least 80 riders and not been overtaken myself. On return to transition I had a quick turnaround despite the faff of getting my hat off and shoes on with numb fingers, and set off for the run. I ran a good race and picked off a lot of people and on arrival at the dam soon realised that there were only about 50 people at the most on it so thought I was well up the overall field. It was great to see all the other RAF folk in the very distinctive kit on the dam and boosted my moral even more. I ran hard on the return leg and crossed the line in 2:09:50.
My rankings were as follows - Swim 58th (24:12) - Bike 15th (1:07:56) - Run 10th (35:45)
On the day looking at the times I was disappointed with the bike time. I have put it down to the cold as I nailed the bike the following day at Allerthorpe.
Allerthorpe Sprint (the day after)
I woke on Sunday with no expectations for the Allerthorpe Sprint. I felt despite the previous days race I could still go top 10 and packed the car ready to go. I had managed to wash my kit and dry the wetsuit ready for the event. The weather was in complete contrast to the previous day and was a lot warmer, sunnier, and ohh so windy. The forecast was 30mph winds with gusts of 50 - 60 mph. I took the Ksyriums just in case I didn't want to use the Cosmic Carbon 50's. The transition was packed and I ended up parking the bike leaning against the end of the racking. 9:05 arrived and the women were 5 mins in to their swim it was time for the men to get started. I swam the first 350m fast and then the reality of a 24hr recovery set in and the arms and shoulders were very tired. I focused on finishing and getting on the bike and ended up exiting the 750m with an 11 min something. A good transition and I picked up the bike as it had blown over (luckily it was a grass transition so no damage) ran to the mount line and I was off into the head wind. I quickly started passing people and worked my way through the field. I was furious as most of the first 15k there was 3 guys doing a great job of team time trialling and not a draft buster to be seen. I hovered about 30 - 40 meters behind then found the strength to close the gap and pass them (offering some friendly explicit advice on drafting as I went by). I pulled away but at the left hand turn I made a mistake and took my left foot out of the shoe thinking we were turning into the last bit of the course. I realised my mistake and got my foot back in but one of them passed me again. I got him back and put time in and a mile later I was back at the transition and taking both feet out of the shoes ready for the run back to T2. The bike section had been extremely challenging on deep section wheels in the wind and with recorded gusts of 50mph it had been twitchy to say the least. I was informed by some of the spectators I was in 4th and I did a quick T2 and straight onto the run. I ran hard but by now the legs were feeling the efforts on the bike and yesterdays race. I caught 3rd after about 1.5k and could see 2nd but never thought it was a gap I could close. On the out and back course I saw the leader heading back and new I was never going to get close to him. At the turn I realised I had made good time on 2nd and pushed harder as it was now looking achievable. I caught him with about 1k to go and sped up thinking if I go past him fast he won't try to go with me. It worked and I quickly put a good gap between us. The last 800m was cruised as I had took my first look behind and realised I was well clear of any challenge for my place. I crossed the line 2nd and felt awesome. I spoke to the winner (Tom Room) who turns out to be GB Elite under 23 athlete sponsored by Planet X. Imagine my surprise to find I had done the fastest bike of the day (faster than an elite athlete!!! :-) I am now convinced I was affected by the cold at dambuster. Lets hope for a hot hot hot summer as I definitely race better when I am warm. Next stop Cleveland Steelman (half IM distance) on 5th July.
Monday, 16 June 2008
Steady week ahead, 2 races in 2 days coming up!

Sunday, 8 June 2008
Cycling tops arrive!!
Thursday, 5 June 2008
The week is nearly over rest days Friday and Saturday