Well Cranwell wasn't great for me. I might as well have been riding the bike in the picture that's made of bread. It was always going to be an unknown as to how well I could recover from the Half IM at the weekend. I felt fine and was ready to go but as soon as the swim started it was obvious how I felt that it was not going well. I was slow in the swim, in to T1 I got the helmet and number belt on and I was away. This was yet another failing on my part and I just had nothing in the legs. I could barely push a 53 x 16 round let alone get down to the 12's and 11t sprockets. I struggled round and into T2 and that was the biggest disaster of my triathlon career to date. I ran to the wrong rack and stood there getting more and more furious trying to work out where my shoes were. After about 30 seconds I seen my shoes under the other rack and ran round. By this time I knew that I was on a bad day and threw my Teddy's out of the cot along with my helmet and glasses. I was so annoyed with my self. I set of on the run and closed the gap on Sags quite quickly but once it got to about 20 seconds Sags knew I was there and increased his tempo and held onto his narrow gap and beat me over the line by about 18 seconds. Andy Fisher took the win but I would have liked a pop at him on fresh legs, though I think he still would have beat me. I have punished myself for my weakness by going on a 57 mile bike with transition to a 3 mile run the day after Cranwell and then I took the MT car back to work Thursday night and cycled the 40 mile home on Friday morning in the pouring rain. Raining again, wow that makes a change!
Mate. Take it as it was. You were fatigued. You are in fine shape and that will show at the Inter-Services...and even more so at Almere. If I am within 3 mins of you at Tallington I will be happy!
On a bad day if you can race like that I would like to be in the firing line when you have a mediocre or good day!
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