Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Lanza Day 2

Woke up to glorious sunshine this morning. Coffee and toast at breakfast and then off round the loop. Got a few pics this morning on the way round, didn't want to take the camera yesterday because of the rain. The main climb on the route is a tough one, starts at about 5-6% and gets harder and steeper as it continues for about one and a half miles and once you get to the roundabout it gets harder still increasing to approx 12% and then the last part increases again to 20% which is hard going on a 39/21. Over the top and its fast with a good surface fairly flat for a mile and then the decent starts with some great flowing corners. Later on in the route it passes through the lava fields and then along the coast which nice new tarmac and rolling before the fast road home which is straight and gradual decent of about 2% for 3 or 4 miles. Last night I did my volcano run, a 7 mile loop with the climb up the volcano of about 250 meters from the hotel at sea level. A tough run but loving every minute of it. Running the same loop tonight then might be doing my long ride tomorrow of 3 - 4 hours. As you can see I'm adequetly dressed for cycling in February! although still sporting a british winter tan in a nice shade of milk bottle white!

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