Thursday, 25 February 2010

All Change, loads to do

Well its all change in the Sharpe house. I'm posted to Waddington 1st June, if I get my admin done in time and Beth passes her tests she's off to boarding school after Easter, and Anthea has managed to get her posting with the police changed to the south side of the river Humber. Loads to sort out between now and then, got to find out how to sell a house? never sold one before so need to see the estate agent at the weekend to find out. Only sad thing is I've just spent 10k on renovations in my current house and another 1k on putting in a drive! never mind whilst I know I won't see the return on the investment I hope it will make for a quick sale.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Where are you posted to at Waddo? Give me a shout if you need any help with anything down here. There is loads going on at both Lincoln tri club and Waddo.