Sunday, 5 December 2010

3/4 Mile sheet of Ice

That's what I have to get across in the morning to get to the main roads on my bike. So today I didn't go out on the bike I set the turbo up instead. 3 hours later I'd covered 66.5 miles. Not the most exciting way to cover the distance but its another good session in the bag. Its about time the weather sorted itself out.


Mal Rose said...

I feel your pain bud!

Michael said...

Is it that bad up there? Get the MTB out and go across the fields and bridleways.

Daz Sharpe said...

Small problem Mike, the MTB is in the Isle of Man at the moment, not picking it up until the 22nd of this month.

Kevin Gilmore said...

Have you considered rollers? I find them considerably more fun than a trainer; I've got both. Mine are TruTrainer rollers that I bought a few years ago. They're more expensive than just about any other out there but they give a more realistic road feel than the rest.

Daz Sharpe said...

Used to have a set of rollers, would like some again but i'm struggling for space at this time and having 4 bikes I don't think the missus will let me have anymore bike kit until I move house