Wednesday, 12 August 2009

New Wetsuit

I've parted with some cash and got a new wetsuit, the old one was only just hanging together after lots of repairs over the last 4 years. I now have a blueseventy helix from Simon at for a bargain price of just £299.99 delivered. I will give it a test on Sunday in the Allerthorpe Classic tri, no time to test it prior to the event so will have to race test it! Review will be on here after the race along with race report, stand by!


Unknown said...

Nice suit mate, but you should have asked; i could have got you a much better deal on a Foor Synflex, now they are nice!!! are you racing at the Vit?

Sags said...

Some swimming bling sounds a good move to me. Anything to make the H2O struggle better is a bonus!