Thursday, 26 May 2011

Lack of internet access = lack of blogging

Well the reason I haven't blogged for a while was the 2 week course i've been on and I had no internet as well as no tv, mobile signal etc. The course wasn't a difficult one and infact I had a lot of spare time and as a result probably over trained!!! Since getting back I've been a bit busy so today I finally get to update the blog.

Whilst at Collingwood I managed to swim (a lot) 12k on the first week and 10 on the second week. OK it might not be a lot to some people but for me that's a lot of swimming. I was in a bit of a catch 22 situation on the first week. Do I take advantage of the spare time and do a big week or keep things steady so as not to be to tired for the inter-service time trials at the weekend. I did train quite hard but felt OK for the 10 on the Saturday and the 25 on the Sunday.

The 10 was probably the most windy day I've ever raced, as a result the time was poor at 24:02 but then everybody was off the pace. I got back to Collingwood feeling very disappointed with the time. The 25 looked promising on arrival as there was no wind but about 10 minutes before the first rider the wind whipped up again. I did a 1:01 which again I was disappointed with but when I got back to the car I stuck the trainers on and ran a strong 10.5k and this cheered me up again. That afternoon back at Collingwood I popped out on the road bike for a steady 25 mile spin so a good days training.

I probably didn't ride anywhere near the miles I wanted to during the 2 weeks down there but felt very uninspired by the local terrain. It was just so busy all the time, even the morning I set off out at 0600 there was already tailbacks!!

On Saturday I met up with Pete Norris to check out the Beaver race route, we did 3 laps in practice for the race this weekend and then did a couple of laps of the run. I was reduced to walking the last mile due to fatigue but not from the morning alone but the fact I had ran Thursday late evening for 10 miles at sub 6 min miles for 9 of them only slowing down for the 10th mile to start cooling down, in fact mile 8 - 9 was ran at 5:40! as a result I would say that's why I was a little tired on the Saturday morning. Pete is in superb form and I predict a podium for him this weekend, as for me? who knows, its all just part of the game plan and a long build up towards the European champs in August.

1 comment:

Turbo Man said...

Hi Daz

Shame we never got to meet up but you seemed to fill your time quite well! Those TT times aren't too shabby considering the conditions.