Friday, 7 January 2011

Shall I rename the blog?

Daz Sharpe's whinging page? might be more appropriate the way things are going. So is it just me or is everyone else getting sick of the bloody weather? Struggled to run the first and last mile of a 7 mile loop this morning due to black ice on the road and pavement, no traction = no speed! Not that i am in any shape for going fast at the moment anyway. It's time to try and get some consistency into my training and hopefully that will come next week when I go back to work, the commuting and swimming at lunch times should get me back in a more positive frame of mind. Still no game plan for the 2011 season yet, or at least nothing set in stone. All I have entered so far is the Vitruvian and the Dambuster. I'm still sitting on the fence with regards to the London Marathon, I have the entry form here but can't yet decide if I want to do it. Its a big commitment and my history with this event isn't good! Decisions?


Greg Mac said...

Take the hit mate and do not do it! The pressure of performing well there has been removed for me to focus on other things. You will never be able to just turn up and run London as pride dictates that you train well to perform well. I am leaving it for next year.

Sags said...

I agree with Greg chap. Save yourself. No dissapointment if you don't perform well and no recovery penalty.

Cavegirl said...

OMG I agree with Sags and Greg, that must be a first!

Don't do it, don't ever run a marathon again - it does really, really, really bad stuff to the body.