Friday, 18 September 2009

Manx End to End Mountain bike enduro

One of the hardest races this year! I was very fortunate enough to be lent a tasty top of the range Giant Anthem XO from my sponsor and friend Paul at for the event. The only problem was not borrowing it sooner to get used to it. It was nice to be back in my homeland for the first time in 2 years. The Isle of Man is a beautiful place, just a bit too quiet. Anyway on to the important stuff, the race. I must admit I did underestimate how hard it was going to be. After doing Ironman events and other long course races the thought of a 47 mile ride seemed easy. I would soon find out that the off road thing is quite hard. The massive climb of Ballacob was the first wake up call, its so different to the road bike as the cadence is crazy, spinning away and not getting anywhere, sit down and the front lifts up, stand up and the back wheel spins. The other issue for me was lack of off road experience when picking lines, I had my foot down loads of times and also in ruts I would often pick one too deep and hit the pedals on the side. On the descents though I was as crazy if not more crazy than the experienced mtb riders and was hammering down them with no concern for crashes. By the half way point though I was already suffering from cramp. The inside of my thighs were killing me, I put it down to the wider cranks/chainset as I had never had pain in these muscles on a bike before. I only had to stop once, I had a minor crash in some deep mud, got up and carried on about 1/2 a mile up the track and when I went to put my glasses on realised they had fell off in the crash. The track was too narrow to ride back down so I had to leave the bike and run down, I found the glasses and ran back up to the bike. There was no way on earth I was leaving my oakleys behind!! I think it cost me about 5 or 6 minutes but cheaper than funding a new pair of glasses. By the end of the race my upper body was feeling a bit beaten up from all the bumping around and as I crossed the line I felt relieved it was over. I finished in 3hrs and 37 mins, in 52nd place from a starting field of 970 riders which was a gold standard finish, gold cut off time was 4hrs which should give you an idea how hard the think the course is. My sister was on form and finished in 4hrs 17 mins to take 3rd lady in her age group and my dad was awesome having only taken up mountain biking a year ago at the age of 59 finished in 5hrs 59mins. The race will be shown on sky sports at the end of October/early November if you want a chance to see the course, I may well have to do this race again but with a bit of practice.
My fast sister Nikki with family friend Chris, me at Ballacraine enjoying it because I was about to do a short stretch on the road! the one of my sis and me on the same bit of off road is Creg Ny Crock and the last 2 are looking tired coming up the Howe which is the climb to the finish. Still looking for a pic of my dad but I will find one!!

1 comment:

Sags said...

That looks nails Daz! Great result from you again! Best stick with the £2.99 sunnies from Aldi like me!