I went to London with an open mind and playing my cards close to my chest. I decided not to tell anyone my target time as it only leads to questions if you don't make your predicted time. I can now tell you I had gone with two targets in mind. I had hoped for a 2 hour 55 min race time as the first target, and secondly I was aiming just to be able to run the whole race without any stops and no walking. So for those that know already I didn't hit the target time and ended up with 3 hours 3 mins but I did achieve the other objective and managed to run the whole way with no stopping. This might sound like a silly objective but given the results at the Fleet half and Ironman South Africa I was under pressure (only from myself) to get a good result. I was a bit ill after the race, I had tingling up both arms and legs and even my face was tingling, I lay down at the meet up point but half an hour later I was told I looked very ill and was pale with blue lips. I sat up and felt sick, I had to run behind a bush and was sick 3 times. I felt rotten for a couple of hours but slowly got better and by 8:30 that night I enjoyed a nice take away curry and a beer. I am happy with the way the race went really given that it was only 3 weeks since the Ironman. At the end of the day I suppose 3hrs 3 min is not a bad time anyway but I now need to get over the marathon and focus on the next race, the Driffield sprint triathlon. It will be a bit strange doing such a short event after the start I've had to the year and I'm looking forward to it.
That's a great result Daz! Well done. I can't believe you and matt made the start line only 3 weeks after an Ironman- let alone get such good times.
Dude! One day you will put it all together and there will be no illness and you will feel strong! I feel bad for my selfish rant on my blog now 8-( I have it easy! Stay well and race like the wind!
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