Sunday, 15 February 2009

112 Mile Turbo Workout!

Yes that's correct, you did read the title properly! On Saturday I did a 18.4 mile run at an average of 6:53 per mile. This rounded off my weeks running with a total of 52 miles. This week I am having a few days off running as I am having problems with shin splints. Now to the headline story, the monster turbo set. I never thought I would see the day that I would do an Ironman bike split on the turbo trainer. I set up the dining room as usual with the laptop in front of me, the first movie of the day was American Gangster, this was chosen for the reason that its over 2 hours long and would see the first part of the ride off. I had a pack of Jaffa cakes and a banana on stand by and a 750ml bottle of High 5 4:1 in the bottle cage. Beth took the picture early on before the sweat had started to flow! I had on my X Socks as the calf's were a little tight from the day before, but generally the legs felt ok as I had spent yesterday evening and last night in my new Skins tights for recovery. At about 2 hours 45 I stopped for a bladder emptying trip up stairs and made myself a coffee, and then it was straight back to business. I had been maintaining about 23.7 mph for the first 90 mile but then things were slowly beginning to slow down. By 105 miles I was in the low 23's / high 22's and by 109 miles in the 22 mph zone and slowing rapidly. I hit the magic 112 miles in 4 hours 48 mins and 36 seconds. I then did the last 12 mins of the hour as a warm down finishing with 115.7 miles. I would be pleased to do that on race day but I know that on the heavy road surface that South Africa course has and allowing for the wind etc that its not very likely to break the 5 hour mark and will more likely be about 5 hours 20 on a good day. Still its been a good workout and a mental boost. Turboman will be proud of me!!


Turbo Man said...

Like a new father....!!! :-)

I did 5 hrs 25 mins for my turbo IM leg and backed that up with a 5hrs 47 mins IM bike leg, so I reckon your 5 hrs 20 min estimate will be close, if perhaps a little long.

Well done though.

Sags said...

Awesome mate! I know that I could not maintain that speed for so long on my turbo. I note that you have the same turbo trainer as Turbo Man. He regularly forgets to engage the resistance and produces impressive speed; did you do the same 8-)

Turbo Man said...


Did you have a look at that Slowtwitch link ref bike position and did it make any sense?

Iron Girl said...

Daz, what's happened to you? I'm sure last season you hated turbo trainers. JC has caved, now you...

Daz Sharpe said...

Needs must with an early IM planned and the weather we've had lately! The new turboman is born, time for the old one to move over!

Turbo Man said...

They've just seen the light!

Sags said...

Mmmm. I feel a Triangles article coming on! I have a few spaces to fill in the Feb edition!

Lonsy said...

As no one else has said!